Apr 25, 2016 | Todd Brancaccio | 1077 views
A New Begining
Welcome to the 2016-17 Hockey season.
I am thrilled to once again have the opportunity to coach the 06 team. I have been coaching various teams in LaSalle for 8 seasons. Each season from Tyke to Peewee has offered amazing memories and experiences for our family. I believe LMHA is the best minor hockey organization in Ontario.
I would invite all 2006 born, LaSalle players to come out and experience tryouts. Test yourself and your abilities. All athletes develop at separate rates. Yesterday's 3rd line player might become a superstar tomorrow. Keep trying and pushing yourself past your limits.
The coaching staff will be selected once tryouts are completed. I believe this is fair for all parties and allows integrity in the tryout process.
What families should expect from our season:
-Our approximate team budget is two thousand dollars, plus registration.
-This total likely will be offset in-part by fund raising efforts.
-Two practices each week and potentially extra practise added by-weekly.
-One or two games each week.
-Four tournaments.
-Tons of fun on and off the ice.
Thank you and I look forward to seeing everyone at the rink.
Coach Todd
Go Sabres!!!