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Organization | Oct 15, 2024 | Webmaster | 1284 views
LMHA House League Members:

In June of this year, both LMHA and WMHA boards passed unanimous motions to resume merger/amalgamation talks.  Both associations believe that with the current changing climate of hockey, lower enrollment within LMHA, WMHA along with other associations in Essex County, that it is in the best interest our associations to amalgamate.  The purpose is to further hockey development for our children in addition to creating a robust and viable experience now and in the future.

There are multiple reasons for our declining enrollment, including but not limited to changing demographics of the population in the region, the cost of registration and equipment, along with families having to prioritize monetary output in the ever-increasing cost of living, and our more recent experience with inflation in Canada.

Why is this important to children enrolled in our House League Program?
LMHA has seen declining enrolments in our house programming for some time that was expedited by the Pandemic.  Currently, our house program is hosting eight U21 Teams, four U15 teams (down from 6 for the first time in years), six U13 teams, five U11 teams, four U9 teams, and four U8 teams.  Our U7 division has 77 players in U7, 54 players in U6, and 23 players in U5.  The enrollment in our U7 and under programing has remained steady with a slight decline in U5.  One factor to consider, is that all rostered teams are skating with less-than-optimal numbers of players in that most teams are well below the standard of 15 skaters and 1 goalie.  Some teams have only 12 skaters, and this is not optimal as having smaller roster size leads to issues in achieving competitive league balance, while divisions with four teams lack variety of competition in that they are facing the same team every third week.  A larger more robust organization would address these concerns and provide a much greater experience for our players and fans with opportunities to play more teams, play in more buildings (the kids love this despite our grumbling about having to drive out of our little town!), and to see increased competition. 
Should this amalgamation be successful, our plan for year 1 is as follows:
Year one will feature an Eastern (Windsor) and Western (LaSalle) Conference for each division.
Windsor to consider combining U5/U6 to mimic current structure in LaSalle. Registration numbers will determine ice locations. Windsor and LaSalle will consider combining the U7 program similar in nature to Intermediate Division. Registration numbers will determine ice locations. 
Intermediate Division
Includes U8, U9, U11 and U13 Eastern and Western Conference Goal is 8 interlock games with individual conference standings. Points for all games played. Eastern Conference and Western Conference Playoffs, round robin and conference semifinal and final games (top two teams). Two teams from each conference advance to overall league championship with semifinal and final games.
Senior Division
U15 to mimic Intermediate Division plan. 
U21 to remain independent in year one, with discussions to take place to combine programs as LMHA plays 80 minutes 1 day a week and WMHA plays 60-minute games 2 days a week. Current thought process is to play interlock with teams playing 2 days per week within each conference. 
Game Location
Vollmer Center and Capri Center for Intermediate and below. 
Vollmer Center, Capri Center, Adie Knox for Senior Division.
U21 Ice Days Vollmer Center Monday 8-11 Adie Knox Tuesday and Wednesday
Year 2 plan to be determined by combined board of directors
Information Meeting
There will be an information meeting on Thursday October 17 at 7pm.  Members can join this meeting via the following link.  It is our hope that should have you have questions or concerns that you join us for additional information.
I can also be reached directly via email, should you wish to contact me, at [email protected].
Thank you.
Brian Green
Vice President House League
LaSalle Minor Hockey Association