Aug 24, 2019 | Dan Krabbenbos | 597 views
Novice Opening Weekend
The season is just around the corner and I wanted to take the opportunity to welcome all the new and returning players to LaSalle Minor Hockey as well as touch on what you can expect to start the season.
This year we will be holding a weekend of practices before assigning players to teams. The Novice division has two time slots on Saturday, September 7th and two more on Sunday, September 8th. You will receive notification, via email, with your time slot before the first practice and a list will also be posted on the Novice home page. Following the practices on September 8th, the teams will be assigned and coaches notified. Players and families can expect to hear from their coach in the week that follows.
Enjoy the rest of your summer and good luck this year!
Dan Krabbenbos
Tyke/Novice Director