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Aug 12, 2019 | Webmaster | 961 views

Cost: $65 per player.

Please purchase a “Travel Tryout Pass” (click here to go to the Registration system) when registering.  Players will not be allowed on the ice without paying this fee. If you have already registered, you can log back in and add the travel tryout pass to your cart.  If you have any issues please contact [email protected].

Registration Fees: Registration Fees must also be paid in full or in part prior to attending tryouts. If a payment is not received as listed on the registration page, your player will not be permitted on the ice.  There will be NO EXCEPTIONS.

Tryout Attendance: Players are required to attend as many tryout sessions as possible.  Should a player need to miss a tryout session due another commitment please ensure that you send an email to the head coach so they are aware that the player will not be in attendance.  The email contacts of the coaches will be provided on the website at the start of tryouts.

Player Selection/Release: Player selections and the return player list will be posted on the LMHA website the following day. Players whose name appears on the list are to return to the next tryout.  Those players not on the list have been released from the team.

Arrival: Please check in at the desk to receive your number and bib and arrive early 

Exceptional Player Status: The LMHA has an exceptional player policy for any player who wishes to play in an age category above their own. This policy will be enforced at all age levels with the exception of Peewee Major due to checking. A request from a family to move from Peewee Major to Bantam Minor will not be accepted. 

Item 6.4.7 

A) Exceptional player status may be requested by a player or family to play up a division or requested to a player by the Travel Division Directors. A family request to play up must be made in writing to the Travel Directors at least 7 days before the tryout.

B) A request of a player to be assessed for exceptional status, (not initiated by the Travel Directors), will be accompanied with a non refundable fee of $250, unless the Travel Division Directors requested the player to play up.

C) An assessment will be provided where the player must be (unless the higher division team is short players):

1) one of the top two forwards to be selected from tryouts of the higher divisioned team **

2) one of the top two defenseman to be selected from tryouts of the higher divisioned team **

3) the top goalie to be selected from tryouts of the higher divisioned team

** Novice need to be one of the top two players on the ice since positions haven't been established at this beginning year

D) Coaches must provide their top players during tryouts to be compared to the requesting player.

E) Players must attend 3 of the 4 tryouts held by the higher divisioned team.

F) The evaluation will be completed by an independent party in consultation with the Travel Directors .

August 27th, 7pm Rink A
August 29th, 7pm Rink A
September 3rd, 5pm, Rink B
September 6th, 5:30pm, Rink A