ROWAN'S LAW - ACTION REQUIRED BY ALL MEMBERS, News (LaSalle Minor Hockey Association)

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Aug 15, 2019 | Webmaster | 2111 views

Thank you to the 700+ volunteers and participants/parents who have scanned and emailed their Rowan's Law Acknowledgment Forms so far, this is much appreciated by LMHA.

**Reminder to those that have not submitted this form the season starts after Labour Day Weekend and if your Form is not sent in, you will not be allowed on the ice, no exceptions! 

Action is required on the part of all members of the Association.

We have recently been informed by OHF (Ontario Hockey Federation) that the Rowan's Law Act and Regulation must be implemented ASAP in order to participate in the upcoming 2019/2020 Hockey Season.

Please see Rowan's Law Acknowlegement form, available under the Registration Heading on, in the Concussion Resources Library or by clicking here and review the slides for each age grouping. This Acknowledgement Form must be reviewed, signed, scanned and emailed back to [email protected].

When emailing the scanned copies, please send only one Acknowledgment per scan as I can’t separate the pages if you have multiple forms signed. 

This is a time sensitive matter, if this form is not filled out and sent back by August 31, 2019 players/coaches will not be allowed on the ice.

Thank you,

Charlene Lawson
LMHA Registration Director