OPEN BOARD POSITION – SECRETARY, News (LaSalle Minor Hockey Association)

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Jun 22, 2019 | Webmaster | 1376 views
The LMHA currently has an open board position for Secretary.

A list of responsibilities for this position can be found in the LMHA 2018 By-Law section 11. The By-Law can be found under the tab "About Us" and "Manual of Operations and Bylaw" section of the web site.

Those volunteers interested can contact Mike Seguin, President, LaSalle Minor Hockey Association at [email protected] no later than July 6, 2019.

(c) Secretary


The Secretary shall:

(i) schedule and give notice of all meetings of the LMHA to persons entitled thereto;

(ii) prepare and distribute agendas for all meetings of the LMHA;

(iii) record, transcribe and distribute minutes of all Board and Committee meetings;

(iv) be responsible for preparing, reviewing and distributing all correspondence;

(v) organize and maintain LMHA office, supplies and files as required;

(vi) update LMHA By-Law, Incorporation documents annually and any other board changes;

(vii) check LMHA mailbox, voicemail and fax regularly;

(viii) report to the President;

(ix) assist with registration as required;

(x) maintain the membership list referred to in Section 6.2;

(xi) shall be responsible to sit on designated committees;

(xii) assist with fundraising and tournaments;

(xiii) attend all LMHA meetings regularly;

(xiv) perform such duties as from time to time may be assigned by the Board of Directors or by the President;

(xv) perform such other duties as naturally fall within the duties of the office.
