CANADIAN BLOOD SERVICES NEEDS OUR HELP, News (LaSalle Minor Hockey Association)

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Sep 28, 2018 | Webmaster | 886 views
Canadian Blood Services is reaching out to us to see if our organization could help save lives.  Organizations of all types across Ontario in fact across Canada are joining the movement and helping to save lives by donating blood.

Below is some information from Canadian Blood Services about how we can help...

What do we need?
Canadian Blood Services is asking your organization and employees, members, fans to donate blood and help save lives!

What do you need to do?
We have a Windsor blood centre in Windsor located at 3909 Grand Marais Road East which is opened 6 days a week.  In the community of LaSalle we host community blood drives next upcoming clinic is on Thursday, November 1 @ Sacred Heart Church from 2:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.  there are other dates as well that I can provide you.
Contact me to reserve a group of appointments – [email protected] – a group consists of 3 or more people.  
Promote the need for blood to your co-workers and community partners.  I can even attend a staff meeting to speak to the group, giving them an opportunity to ask questions.  
Celebrate the fact that you are joining a movement by helping a Canadian patient in need of blood and blood products, here in Windsor Essex or across the country. 

Every minute of every day someone in Canada needs blood. It may be a loved one, friend, co-worker, or even you. Please take the time to help out. 

You are needed! 

- to help determine if you are able to donate take the Eligibility Quiz as a first step
- if you have specific questions and want to look something up, visit the ABC’s of Eligibility or call 1 888 2 DONATE
- Here is a run-down of the donation process 

Follow us Twitter: @GiveLifeWindsor   Instagram( unofficial account):  windsoressexblooddonors 