U18A EXHIBITION GAME ROSTER, News (LaSalle Minor Hockey Association)

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U18A | Sep 15, 2024 | Webmaster | 1314 views
Read on for the rooster for the Monday night exhibition game at 8:30pm in Belle River:

Oli Ross
Xavier Sandy
Lennox Boismier
Wyatt Jackson
Luca Fiorito
Aidan Vipond
Easton Balazs
Muhammad Iskander
Gianni Bertuccio
Cameron Robinet
Jack Tann
Matthew Fazekas
Nathan Desimone
Tarek Gereige
Carter Blackmore (starting)
James Wladarski
If you are not playing in this game, you do not have to come.  If you are, please arrive between 30-45 minutes to get ready.  Wear the navy jerseys from tryouts and try to wear dark socks as well.  Goalies please wear dark.  Every player needs to be in the room 20 minutes before the game for a meeting.