GOALIE EVALUATIONS, News (LaSalle Minor Hockey Association)

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Apr 22, 2022 | Webmaster | 599 views
LMHA tryouts are fast approaching.  They will begin on Monday May 2nd with goalie evaluations at 5:00pm prior to the team tryouts later the same day.  All goalies intending on trying out for the U14, U15 or U16 AA teams are expected to attend. Coaches this is for you to get a dedicated look at goalies.  Goalies will be kept in their age groups to make it easier for coaches to watch all the goalies trying out for their team. 

The format will be as follows:

  • Skating warm-up (8mins)
    • Goalies will be put through different skating drills to warm up and evaluate their edge work, balance and body control
  • Shooting warm-up (8mins)
    • Goalies will face some 2-3 shot drills where they will use their crease movements to get into position for a shot.  These will be quick drills to get the eyes and body moving together to receive pucks
  • Game situational drills. (35mins)
    • The intent is to put goalies into realistic situations they will face in games. This will force the goalie to make reads to adjust depth and make good save selections.; Rebounds will be live and played out.
We need five shooters for each age group (U14 (2009),U15 (2008),U16 (2007)) so that goalies are facing age relevant shots. Shooters will have to be in full gear.
If you are interested in shooting please contact Tim Whitson at [email protected].  Please include your Name, Age, Division, Last year's team and parent contact information. Preference will be given to players that played on the respective AA team last year.