U11 AND U13 HOUSELEAGUE DAY OF CHAMPIONS WEEKEND, News (LaSalle Minor Hockey Association)

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Mar 21, 2022 | Webmaster | 545 views
After a fun season the Day Of Champs for both Intermediate Divisions is upon us - Sunday, March 27!

We've been in communication with the coaches and are making the ice times for the prior day Saturday, March 26 into playoff games as well!

Each team will have an additional game to try to improve their positioning in the standings before the final Day Of Champs.

The matchups for Saturday the 26th will be as follows:

11:30 am: U11 Red @ U11 Silver
12:30 pm: U11 Blue @ U11 Orange
1:30 pm: U11 Green @U11 Yellow

2:30 pm:  U13 Sky Blue @ U13 Grey
3:30 pm: U13 Lime @ U13 Black
4:30 pm: U13 Red @ U13 Gold

With games in back-to-back days this should be an exciting lead-up to conclude the season! 

The time slots for the Sunday games are as follows:
U11 games are scheduled for 8 am, 9am, and 10 am
U13 follows immediately, scheduled for 11:30am (1 on Rink A, 1 on Rink B) and12:30pm

Please check the website frequently as we'll be updating the results and scheduled Day Of Champs matchups after the conclusion of Saturday's games. 