BEWARE OF PHISHING EMAILS, News (LaSalle Minor Hockey Association)

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Nov 30, 2021 | Webmaster | 459 views
There have been some phishing emails circulating that appear to have been sent by LMHA Board members.  Please be on the look out for suspicious emails, even if they appear to be coming from known sources.

Emails of this nature look like there are coming from an LMHA Board Member but actually aren't.  They are often vaguely written and are asking for help of some sort.  They are looking for you to reply so they can start up a dialog with you and move their scam to the next step.

If you unsure of the authenticity of an email, please send an email directly to the sender (do not reply to the suspicious email but rather send a new email to the sender's address) to make confirm it was sent from them.

We remind you to never provide your personal information like banking information, password, etc. in emails.

For information about the latest scams and frauds, please visit this website: