Oct 16, 2021 | Webmaster | 734 views
LMHA is looking for volunteers to work bingos at the Breakaway Gaming Centre located on Crawford and Wyandotte.
Each shift is 2 hours. At the moment, volunteers don't need to be Bingo trained. That will be a requirement at a later date. All volunteers must be AODA trained. An AODA document will be provided for you to read.
Currently there is 1 volunteer per bingo as we are there to Meet and Greet the patrons.
Each person who volunteers to work a bingo will be receive credit that will go against their child's registration fees the following year. It is a great opportunity to save money and help out the Association at the same time.
If anyone is interested or has any additional questions, please contact Jeannine Valaris, Fundraising Director, at [email protected].