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Sep 10, 2021 | Webmaster | 1113 views
Dear LMHA members:

In response to the recent communication from the Town of LaSalle regarding the vaccination requirements for entrance and participation, we are and have been seeking clarification from the OMHA regarding the provincial announcement of the September 22 deadline that the town is referencing and the OMHA’s requirement for proof of full vaccination by October 31. There is a clear discrepancy here, particularly that the provincial announcement states that youth recreational sports are exempted from this September 22 requirement.

From OMHA Vaccinations (for a copy of the OMHA Vaccination Policy, click here):

Affected Persons
This policy applies to the following Affected Persons, which includes the following persons: 
• Players born in 2009 or earlier 
• Team Officials (Coaches, Trainers and Managers, etc.) 
• Game Officials (referees, linespersons, timekeepers, etc.) 
• Association Officials (minor hockey association directors, officers, executive and staff) 
• OMHA Officials (directors, officers, executive and staff, including hockey development personnel) 
• Volunteers 
• Instructors (third parties engaged by Associations or Teams to provide specialized instruction (e.g., power skating, goaltending coaching)

At present, this policy does not apply to hockey players born in 2010 or later, or to hockey spectators, however, individual municipalities may set their own policy. There is no clarification at this time regarding players that turn 12 years of age mid-season. 

Vaccination Requirement & Records 

All Affected Persons are required to be Fully Vaccinated (i.e.: including the 14-day period after receiving their completed dose) by October 31, 2021 or earlier. All Affected Persons must present to their Association designate, as applicable, evidence satisfactory to the OMHA demonstrating that they have received the completed series of an Accepted COVID-19 Vaccine. At present, this policy does not apply to hockey players born after 2009 or hockey spectators.

  • At this time, the policy does not include spectators. Facilities govern the status of spectators and may impose their own restrictions. The Vollmer Recreational Center or Town of LaSalle will advise if and when that status changes. 
  • Due to both the provincial announcement of September 1, 2021 and OMHA directive of September 3, 2021 – all persons 12 and over (players born on or before 2009 who are presently ineligible for vaccines) who wish to enter the Vollmer Recreational Centre be aware of the following: “that all eligible participants involved in minor hockey, are fully vaccinated for COVID-19 for the upcoming season.  All eligible participants are required to be fully vaccinated by October 31, 2021. Note that exemptions for medical reasons, under the Ontario Human Rights Code, may in some cases be granted. (see OMHA Vaccination Policy)
  • Where exemptions have been granted, anyone under this policy will be required to be tested not more than 24 hours prior to participating in a hockey event. This test will be at the expense of the participant (as applicable) and failure to do so will result in not being able to participate.
  • Participants must have submitted proof of being fully vaccinated.  The LMHA can assure our members that this will be handled very discreetly and confidentially and the email will be destroyed upon verification.   
  • Any person(s) who cannot be vaccinated will need to provide documentation outlining their rationale or reason of which will be further reviewed by the OMHA. 

Proof of Vaccination - Process

  • LMHA feels that the most efficient, confidential way of providing proof of vaccination or exemption would be via email.  Please email a copy of your vaccination record or exemption to [email protected].  In the body of your email please list player(s), volunteer(s) name.  

If you wish to not send this information via email, please contact [email protected] or [email protected] and we can make alternate arrangements.  As always, the information gathered will be handled very discreetly and confidentially with the email being destroyed upon verification.

We will continue to update communication regarding vaccination policies as we are informed of them. In the mean time you may contact the Town of LaSalle if you any questions about the vaccination policy that was posted today.


Mike Seguin



