HOUSELEAGUE COACHES STILL NEEDED, News (LaSalle Minor Hockey Association)

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Aug 23, 2021 | Webmaster | 4550 views
Thank you to everyone that has expressed interest in coaching this season.  We appreciate your willingness to volunteer and help make the coming season a reality for the youth in our community.

The LMHA is still in need of a few coaches at this time in order to be able to run some Divisions:

U13 Division (formerly Peewee) - 2 coaches
U15 Division (formerly Bantam) - 1 coach
U21 Division (formerly Midget) - 3 coaches

Please consider volunteering to help fill these spots.  If you are interested, direct links to the application forms can be found here:

Intermediate Division (U11, U13)
Senior Division (U15, U21)

If you have any questions, please contact the Divisional Directors or the VP of Houseleague.  Their contact information is available here, or under About Us, Board of Directors.