Dear LMHA members:
With LMHA registration just around the corner, I would like to take this opportunity to update the LMHA membership regarding information from the OMHA about the 2021-2022 season as it looks today.
This past week via Zoom, members of the LMHA attended the OMHA Annual General Meeting where among other business that was conducted, information was shared regarding plans for the next season.
With a few minor tweaks, the LMHA is optimistic that the season will look much like what we have been accustomed to. The travel and house league programs will continue in a traditional format and the OMHA plan is to extend the season with playdowns and tournaments included. The following is a calendar of events as determined by the OMHA:
September 7: Hockey opens: Prep phase will begin (getting everyone back on the ice)
September 10: AAA Tryouts will be begin for those that wish to tryout (PTS form will be required)
September 17: AA Tryouts will begin (NRP's will be allowed)
September 24: A-AE tryouts will begin
October 8: Sanctioned OMHA Tournaments can begin
LMHA tryouts will include all age groups from U9-U18 in the AA and AE levels. Our U18
(Midget) teams will be evaluated once we have registration and all other tryouts are complete.
As per past practice, house league players will skate (skills, scrimmages etc.) at the start
the season and teams will be formed at the conclusion of travel of tryouts. The start date
for regular season play is still undetermined but likely to begin in early October with an extended season ending March 1, 2022. Once the playdown structure is known, it will be made available once it is determined by the OMHA. We are informed that the Playdown structure will have a different look than years past but will be exciting for all moving forward.
Hockey Canada has launched a new e-registration system which means any previously used
login / password you may have used in the old system will no longer work. ALL
online instructions. This new system will also sync your e-Hockey (coach) accounts as well
as your player registration accounts. It is a one-stop shopping experience. We encourage
*all* of our members to use the online process to register regardless of payment type
selected. Using the online system will ensure that your spot is secured (pending receipt of
payment). If you have any questions regarding registration, you may contact the LMHA
Registration Director, Charlene Lawson, via the LMHA website.
Now it is time to register – please see the LMHA website for instructions.
Mike Seguin