VOLLMER UPDATES AND PROCESS REMINDERS, News (LaSalle Minor Hockey Association)

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Oct 05, 2020 | Webmaster | 613 views
Effective today, Rink A is now open for use.  Additionally, there are some changes to the process, including the use of dressing rooms.

Please see the LaSalle Culture and Recreational Department post here for details.  Additional information can be found here.  Please take a moment and read the information with specific attention to the sections regarding changes starting October 5th, 2020. 

NOTE:  Spectators will now be allowed but limited to ONLY ONE spectator per participant.  Spectators are also required to complete the OHF Health Questionnaire which can be accessed from the Red Banner on the top of page at www.lasallesabres.com and MUST check in for verification of completion of the Health Questionnaire and for contact tracing purposes. 

Other reminders:

·         Face coverings must be worn when entering the building.  Face coverings MUST cover both mouth AND nose.

·         Face covering can only be removed by participants when they put their helmet on and must be put back on when their helmet is removed.

·         Arrive dressed.

·         When leaving, participants may remove their skates but they may not undress.

·         Any items left in the facility will not be held for pick up (so please be sure you have everything with you when you leave).

·         Spectators (maximum of 1 per participant) MUST remain in the rink and may not watch from the hallways as this could cause the facility to pierce the provincially mandated maximum number of people allowed in specific areas.  Please be sure to dress appropriately for staying in the rink.

