U15 (FORMERLY BANTAM) PROGRAMMING MESSAGE, News (LaSalle Minor Hockey Association)

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Sep 29, 2020 | Webmaster | 749 views

As you are aware, we have been seeking head coaches, trainers, and goalies for this division. The LMHA Board of Directors met on Monday evening and have determined 3 options for programming moving forward.

As of Tuesday September 29, we have 3 Head Coaches and 3 confirmed trainers for U15.   Additionally, we have only 1 registered goalie.  We need 8 Head Coaches, trainers and goalies.  We are asking that if able to assist to please contact the Senior Division Houseleague Director at [email protected] prior to Thursday, October 1, 2020 8pm so that final programming decisions can be made.  Please note that the Ontario Hockey Federation has changed the certification requirements for head coaches.  Head coaches require Coach 2 which can be completed in online learning modules.  LMHA will reimburse coaches for fees incurred.  Please contact us for further information on this course.


Option 1 - Regular U15 Programming


2 hours ice Saturday and Sunday Evenings (1 practice, 1 game).


Would require 8 coaches and 8 trainers and 8 Goalies.  If unable to obtain goalies, we will use shooter tutors for games.  Our available goalie(s) would be assigned and rotated between teams throughout their respective bubble.


Option 2 - Player Cohorts, NO GAMES


2 hours ice Saturday and Sunday Evenings (1 development practice, 1 scrimmage (shooter tutors, available goalies, no scoring, no referees).


This will be the default option if Option 1 does not obtain the required number of coaches and trainers.


Players will be divided into 3 cohorts.  Emphasis will be on hockey skill development balanced with scrimmages.  A head coach will be assigned to each cohort along with trainers.  Assistant coaches will be determined by the respective head coach after the cohorts are determined.  


Option 3 - Player withdrawal from the 2020-2021 Season or complete cancellation of the season  


Parents wishing to withdraw their player should contact the Senior Division House League Director at [email protected] and Registrar at [email protected] prior to Thursday, October 1, 2020 at 8pm.  This division has skated twice, thus administration fees and ice fees to date will be considered in the processing any refunds.  


Since we are uncertain how this division is proceeding, we are extending the October 1st payment until a final decision regarding U15 programming has been made and communicated to the parents.


Thank you.


