TRAVEL PROGRAM UPDATE, News (LaSalle Minor Hockey Association)

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Sep 23, 2020 | Webmaster | 1269 views
As everyone is aware, we are currently in very unique situation in regards to our hockey season.

Below, the expectation to start our Tier 1 (travel) season is outlined.  Although not the intent, all information provided is subject to change.

· Cohort leagues with Amherstburg and Belle River of 50 players maximum

· Team sizes are between 16 and 20 players.

· Roster sizes have been determined in coordination with Amherstburg and Belle River to get each division within the cohort maximum.

· AE program will cohort with Belle River only (no AE program in Amherstburg )

· The first 4v4 games, for all divisions in cohorts, will begin no earlier than October 24th

· Official rosters are expected to be completed by October 12th

· Current practice rosters are NOT official. The final rosters will be determined based on 2019-20 level of play and previous seasons’ evaluations as the first criteria.

· In the event the number of players is less than or exceeds the available spots for the roster, a decision will be made by LMHA board in coordination with the Head Coach and Skills Instructors.

· Tryouts and a regular season will not occur until we proceed to stage 4 of the Return to Hockey framework and get approval from OMHA.

This is not how any of us envisioned our season and we thank you for your patience and understanding while we navigate this season.  Any day on the ice is a good day.


Dan Krabbenbos

LMHA Travel Director
