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Sep 17, 2020 | Webmaster | 1153 views
Hello Sabres,

We are able to get House League Hockey started this weekend. For September each team will get one hour of ice for practice. Teams have been posted on the division page on the LMHA website. These are TEMPORARY teams. Teams will be redone in the beginning of October once we are allowed to play modified games. PPH will be running the practices so no coaches have been assigned yet. We will not be moving players around at this point. Schedules will be posted very shortly and we will be starting this weekend.

Registration and check in procedures:

  • Complete the mandatory LMHA Waiver Form (part of the LMHA session payment process).
  • Before each session use the Covid-19 Self Assessment Google Doc's form.  The link is on the website.  Players cannot participate in the session if this is not completed.
  • Using the West Entrance at the Vollmer and check in at the LMHA table.  This is a mandated OHF process and the purpose is to confirm your attendance for contact tracing, if needed.
  • Players must be dressed when they get to the arena and masks are mandatory for everyone entering the Vollmer.
  • Players can take their mask off when they are wearing their helmet.
  • While waiting in line at the check and while getting dressed everyone must maintain physical distancing of 2m/6ft.
  • Please only arrive 15 minutes prior to your sessions.
  • Players are not to dress or undress inside the arena. Players should only be putting on Skates, helmets and gloves.
  • Players are to avoid bringing any personal items not required to get ready to play.
  • There will be no access to the dressing rooms. 
  • As of now one parent can enter into the arena to put skates and helmets on but must leave when this is done. This is the policy from the Town of LaSalle and we are working with them to try and get this improved.
  • Participants MUST bring skate guards as the designated access path for the rink has some concrete walking surfaces
  • Due to insurance requirements, the registration fee must be paid before a player may participate.

The situation does change quickly and we will do everything we can to keep everyone informed. The safety of everyone is the most important to us. 
Thank you. 
Don Durham
Vice President House League
LaSalle Minor Hockey Association