The LMHA currently has an open board position for Director of Mission and Ethics.
A list of responsibilities for this position can be found in the LMHA 2020 By-Law section 11. The By-Law can be found under the tab "About Us" and "Manual of Operations and Bylaw" section of the web site.
Anyone interested should contact Mike Seguin, President, LaSalle Minor Hockey Association at [email protected] no later than Monday, September 21, 2020.
Interviews will be held shortly thereafter.
11.3 Responsibilities of Directors
(u) Director of Mission and Ethics
The Director of Mission and Ethics shall:
(i) be responsible for the integration of hockey and life learning education for our members;
(ii) this learning may be conducted through a variety of venues not limited to: enhancement of Code of Conduct learning and behaviour modification for players, parents and coaches, ensuring appropriate and progressive discipline for correcting behaviours, assisting with the orientation of parents to new teams as assigned following tryouts, drafts etc, and supporting the Board of Directors in addressing operational and systemic ethical issues;
(iii) oversee parent/player orientations regarding code of conduct;
(iv)manage player and member disciplinary/dispute resolution actions as directed by the 1st Vice President and the Policy and Dispute Resolution Committee;
(v) perform such duties as from time to time may be assigned by the Board of Directors or by the President;
(vi)perform such other duties as naturally fall within the duties of the office.