A copy of this message can be found in the COVID-19 Related Documents Library which can be found by clicking on Documents and Resources, COVID-19 Related Documents or by clicking
LMHA Families:
We would like to provide an update to the membership with respect to our Return to Hockey plan. The LMHA has submitted its Return to Hockey Proposal to the OMHA and is expected to hear back from them shortly. The proposal follows the OHF framework guidelines and the key points are discussed below:
No Travel Hockey
No tryouts
Leagues/cohorts/bubbles will be restricted to 50 players. Coaches are excluded from this number.
Strict compliance regarding physical distancing
Players to be placed with like skilled groups based on where they played last year
Teams will be comprised of 9 skaters and 1 goalie
The ability to offer programming is dependent upon ice availability and registration numbers.
Due to ice availability restrictions all U7 & U21 programming will be starting later once the Vollmer installs the second ice pad.
For Tier 1 (players registered in 2019/20 category - AAA, AA, A, AE) the following will apply:
Team formation: Divided by major and minor ages separate and group players based on their category of play in 2019/20.
Play in cohort/league/bubble with Belle River and Amherstburg associations.
NRP and ATM players where LMHA is not their home centre will be considered on a case by case basis depending on the availability of spots in their respective division. This includes NRP players that played in LMHA for the 2019/2020 season.
Formation of teams in either Tier 1 or Tier 2 will be at the discretion of LMHA and in consultation with the coaches. Team formation is highly dependent upon registration numbers.
Players can only be registered with one team within the OHF. That means female players must choose if they will play with their OWHA team or return to LMHA. This applies to AAA players as well. This also means that there will be no AP positions for higher divisions or Jr. hockey. This is subject to change based on any changes that the OHF may implement. For example this may change if the OHF allows tryouts if Stage 4 (return to conventional hockey) is approved this season.
Tier 1:
Tier 1 will be comprised of players who played in the travel division during the 2019/2020 season. Each team will have 3 skates per week (1 practice, 1 skill development, 1 game). For the first 2 weeks of this season all three skates will be skills and drills only, with one skate being run by our 3rd party skills coaches; Proven Performance Hockey and Prospects Goaltending. After this 2-week period we can begin 3 on 3 hockey, and graduate to 4 on 4 hockey. We must wait until we reach OHF Stages 3D & 3E before 5 on 5 hockey commences as per our plan submitted to the OMHA for approval. We have also planned to partner with Belle River and Amherstburg minor hockey associations to create a cross association league. This is not “travel” and is only being done for the continuity of skill development at this level. Tier 1 will have an additional cost above and beyond the base registration which all tiers are required to pay.
Tier 2:
Tier 2 will be comprised of players who played in the house league divisions in 2019/2020. Each team will have 2 skates per week. For the first 2 weeks of this season both skates will be drills and skills only. After this period, we can begin 3 on 3 hockey, and graduate to 4 on 4 hockey. We must wait until we reach OHF Stages 3D & 3E before 5 on 5 hockey commences as per our plan submitted to the OMHA for approval. Opportunity to provide skill development clinics through our 3rd party providers will be explored.
All players, volunteers, and LMHA families will have to adhere to physical distancing policies while in the facilities, or while participating in an LMHA sanctioned event. The Town of LaSalle Facility Use policy will be made available online under our “Covid-19” section and it is the responsibility of the participant and parents to review and abide by these policies. We look forward to our season beginning and want to ensure player health and safety is always our number one priority this season. Parents will be required to sign a one-time waiver indemnifying the LMHA at the time of registration.
Registration and payments
Registration is open now and the registration fees are posted below..We understand this is a challenging year for everyone, therefore, we will be offering payment plans beginning September 1st, and will run through final payment in December. Furthermore, if you require assistance please reach out to us and we will help in any capacity we can. If your child or anyone you know has not registered, but plans on participating this year, please have them register as soon as possible. The following are the approved Registration fees for the 2020-2021 Season:
We are working in partnership with Hockey Canada, OHF, and the OMHA to ensure we are in complete compliance while maintaining the safest possible environment providing quality hockey programming. We are committed to the health and safety of our players following health and safety guidelines as directed by our provincial partners, the Town of LaSalle and the local health unit. We look forward to working together with you during this unique time to provide the best possible hockey experience here in LaSalle!
Summary of Progressions within OHF Stage 3
We are currently in OHF
Stage 3A until August 31st
As of September 1st we will move in to
Stage 3B
Stage 3B allows for:
Registration to open September 1st
Max of 25 people on the ice, including instructors and referees.
Programming is skill development based, no game play at this stage.
Stage 3C (anticipated start of October 4th) allows for:
Max of 30 people on the ice, including instructors and referees
Nothing changes regarding imports and those rules
League Max is still 50.
Tier 1 cohort with BRDMHA and AMHA begins
Game Play is Modified 3-on-3 or 4-on-4 with no physical contact
Stage 3D (anticipated start of November 1st) allows for:
• Max of 40 people on the ice including instructors and referees
No changes to the rules for imports
League max is still 50
5-on-5 play can be introduced with no physical contact
Game Play may be allowed with adjacent Public Health Units
Stage 3E (anticipated start of December 1st) allows for:
Exact same as Stage 3D but with travel expanded to the Local Health Integration Network – for Windsor, that means Chatham-Kent
Preliminary LMHA Programming Structure
(Pending OMHA approval and subject to change)
LMHA strives to be direct and thorough in its communication with the membership and has opted to share its preliminary plans on how programming may look in 2020-2021.
We cannot emphasize enough that these plans could change drastically over the next few weeks depending on direction from the OMHA, our local PHU, the Town of LaSalle and the Provincial Government.
Based on the parameters within Stage 3 of the OHF Return to Play plan as well as the current safety requirements required by the Provincial Government and our local PHU; below is what is currently being considered and explored.
3-on-3, 4-on-4 play at all divisions to start with opportunities to advance to 5 -on-5 play if appropriate and permitted.
U9 and younger would play on half-ice and U10 and older would play on full-ice
As per the parameters of stage 3 return to play “No tryouts for the formation of Teams. Members to determine approach for tiered structure based on category of participation last year”. This is interpreted that players will play at the same level they played at in the 2019-2020 season. Players who played AAA/AA/A/AE will be considered a Tier 1 player when forming divisions and teams. Same principle will be applied for Tier 2, a player who played HL last year will be considered a Tier 2 player when forming teams and divisions.
Tier 2 divisions will remain as Minor and Major combined.
Spots are limited and registration will close on August 31st; a waiting list has already been started for multiple divisions. This will allow us to draft and assemble teams.
Due to availability of ice at the Vollmer, divisions may have a staggered start. For example we do not foresee being able to provide any U7 programming until the second pad is installed at the Vollmer. This is expected to happen by October 4, 2020.
There also maybe an opportunity for additional ice time through our Development clinics at additional cost. More information to follow.